family on a country walk on hills with sunset in background

Winter Outlook

The Winter Outlook report presents our view of the security of supply for the electricity systems for the winter ahead.

We publish our suite of Outlook publications across the year to provide information and transparency to the industry. We're also increasingly looking to supplement these publications with more continuous engagement through the Operational Transparency Forum.

If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements, please email us.

hydro power water

Early view of winter 2024/25 and winter 2023/24 review and consultation

Winter Outlook 2023/24

Helping to inform the electricity industry and prepare for the winter ahead.

National Gas Winter Outlook

NESO only assesses requirements on the electricity network. Find more information about the gas network on the National Gas website.

Winter Operations 2022

Here you can find all policy documentation relating to Winter Operations, particularly considering Winter 2022.

Future of Energy updates

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