Targeted charging review
The Targeted Charging Review has looked at how electricity network residual charges should be set, for both transmission and distribution.
A significant code review
In August 2017, Ofgem launched a Significant Code Review (SCR) called the Targeted Charging Review (TCR). It was launched to address Ofgem’s concern that the current framework for residual and cost-recovery charging may result in inefficient use of the networks and unfair outcomes for consumers.
The Targeted Charging Review has looked at how electricity network residual charges should be set, for both transmission and distribution.
It has also looked at the differences in charging arrangements between transmission connected generators and smaller distribution connected generators (Embedded Benefits).
The principles Ofgem used to assess potential changes were:
- reducing distortions
- fairness
- proportionality and practical considerations
What are the next steps?
Ofgem published its final TCR decision on 21st November 2019. The decision document can be accessed on Ofgem’s website.
There are two key areas for reform:
- Residual Charges
- Embedded Benefits
The changes will be implemented in stages, with reforms at transmission level being introduced in April 2022 and at the distribution level in April 2022.
A Second Balancing Services Task Force has commenced following Ofgem’s TCR decision.
Please go to our Summary Note for more information on what changes will take place as a result of Ofgem’s decision.
Further information on the TCR can be found below in the resources section.
TCR implementation plans & guidance
This plan details the expected timings and rates per day of LLFC migrations.
FAQs relating to the implementation and enduring requirements of the TCR.
TCR Frequently Asked Questions
LDSOs plan on a page for the Demand Charge Residual elements of the TCR implementation.
2020 updates
On 9 November 2020, the ESO has published the Distribution Bands using data provided by the DNOs and IDNOs as per the methodology approved by Ofgem (see DCUSA approvals below).
On 30 September 2020, Ofgem approved Targeted Charging Review modifications to the DCUSA.
The Modifications approved are as follows:
DCP358 - Ofgem Targeted Charging Review Implementation: Determination of Banding Boundaries – Implemented 30/09/2021 – Decision Letter
DCP359 - Ofgem Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Implementation – Customers: Who Should Pay? – Decision Letter
DCP360 – Allocation to Bands and Interventions – Implemented 30/09/2021 – Decision Letter
DCP361 - Ofgem Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Implementation – Calculation of Charges – Implementation 01/04/2022 – Decision Letter
Ofgem Letter on CMP280
On 2 October 2020, Ofgem published an open letter on electricity storage network charging arrangements and determination on CMP280. This letter can be found here.
Final decision 2019
In November 2019 Ofgem published their final decision on the Targeted Charging Review with supporting documents. Here are some resources to help you understand Ofgem’s decision:
- Ofgems decision document
- Supporting analysis, impact assessment and direction to licencees
- Watch the webinar from ESO on TCR modifications to transmission charging or view the slides.
- Watch the webinar led by Ofgem on the Targeted Charging Review Final Decision or view the slides.
Plans to deliver TCR
Minded to decision
On 28 November 2018 Ofgem released its Targeted Charging Review (TCR): Minded to decision and draft impact assessment consultation. You can get up to speed using the following resources:
- the minded to decision consultation from the Ofgem website
- the Lead Secretariat's Podcast outlining the key areas in the consultation
- the TCR Minded to decision webinar that the Lead Secretariat hosted with Ofgem on 11 December 2018
- the slides presented at the Charging Futures Forum by Ofgem on 15 January 2019.
August 2018 webinar
We hosted a webinar on 29 August 2018 where Ofgem gave an update on their analytical work up to this date. You can watch the webinar here and view the slides here.
Stakeholder events
Following the release of the TCR working paper in 2017, Ofgem held stakeholder workshops in November 2017 and April 2018. This allowed industry an opportunity to feed in views on paper and inform the conditions to be used for further analysis. You can view:
TCR options paper
Ofgem published a working paper (Targeted Charging Review: update on approach to reviewing residual charging arrangements) in November 2017. In this paper Ofgem discussed their collected thoughts on how they intend to resolve the current framework for residual charges before outlining their proposed approach and justifications to their decisions.

Get in touch
If you have any questions about any of the Charging Futures, please don't hesitate to ask us at [email protected]
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