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We have worked with stakeholders from across the energy industry to develop our Business Plans.
It’s our ambition to continue working in a transparent, co-creative manner with the wider industry as we deliver our RIIO-2 commitments and develop future business plans.
On this page, you can find information about how we work with our stakeholder group, key dates for your diary and any upcoming webinars and events.
Draft BP3 Webinar Series
We are now preparing for the final RIIO-2 planning cycle, BP3, which will run from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026. As always, we are keen to work with a wide variety of stakeholders, NESO customers and consumer representative groups in a co-creative manner, to help shape our plans, where it is possible to do so.
To help stakeholders understand the new format of BP3, and the Performance Objectives contained in the plan, we held a series of webinars. There was a single high-level kick off webinar, followed by four webinars that examine pairings of our Performance Objectives
Draft BP3 Consultation Webinar Series Launch
In this webinar we provide a high-level overview of what BP3 is, how it’s been developed and the consultation process. Our BP3 activity is aligned to eight Performance Objectives with associated major deliverables and success measures from April 2025 to March 2026. In this webinar we introduce these Performance Objectives and explain why we believe they are the right commitments to take.
Draft BP3 Webinar Series: Clean Power 30 & Whole Strategic Energy Plans
In this webinar we discuss the development of activities relating to Clean Power 30 and Strategic Whole Energy Plans (two of our eight BP3 Performance Objectives). Stakeholders hear about the Major Deliverables and Success Measures that come under Clean Power 30 or Strategic Whole Energy Plans. There was a Q&A session at the end of the webinars, where stakeholders could have their questions about our Performance Objectives answered.
Draft BP3 Webinar Series: Operating the Electricity System & Secure and Resilient Energy
In this webinar seminar we discuss the development of activities relating to Operating the Electricity System & Secure and Resilient Energy. Both of are two of our eight Performance Objectives set out within BP3. Stakeholders were given chance to hear about the Major Deliverables and Success Measures that come under either Operating the Electricity System or Secure and Resilient Energy. There was a Q&A session at the end of the webinars, where stakeholders could have their questions about our Performance Objectives answered.
Draft BP3 Webinar Series: Connections Reform & Fit-for-Purpose Markets
In this webinar seminar we discuss the development of activities relating to Connections Reform & Fit-for-Purpose Markets. Both of are two of our eight Performance Objectives set out within BP3. Stakeholders were given the chance to hear about the Major Deliverables and Success Measures that come under either Connections Reform or Fit-for-Purpose Markets. There was a Q&A session at the end of the webinars, where stakeholders could have their questions about our Performance Objectives answered.
Draft BP3 Webinar Series: Enhanced Sector Digitalisation and Data Sharing & Separated NESO systems, processes and services
In this webinar seminar we discuss the development of activities relating to Enhanced Sector Digitalisation and Data Sharing & Independent NESO systems, processes and services. Both are two of our eight Performance Objectives set out within BP3. Stakeholders were given the chance to hear about the Major Deliverables and Success Measures that come under either Enhanced Sector Digitalisation and Data Sharing or Separated NESO systems, processes and services. There was a Q&A session at the end of the webinars, where stakeholders could have their questions about our Performance Objectives answered.

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