Solar panel installation on factory roof

Balancing Services

We procure services to balance demand and supply, and we ensure the security and quality of the electricity supply across Britain's transmission system.

If you're already a provider or new to balancing services, find the information you need to participate and get more support.

New to Balancing services?

How to supply your services

If you're looking to supply balancing services, find the information you need to participate, and get further support.

How we balance the grid

If you're completely new to balancing services, start here. Balancing the grid is a complex activity and we ensure electricity supply meets demand. This is what we mean by 'balancing' the grid.

Existing services

Demand Flexibility Service

This innovative new service offers incentives for flexing the times when consumers use electricity, helping us to manage the electricity system during peak demand.

Frequency response

We ensure there is sufficient generation and demand to control system frequency. Services include new Dynamic Response, Mandatory Frequency Response and Firm Frequency Response.

Reserve services

These services provide us with access to sources of extra power when it's needed the most. Our reserve services are designed to deliver power across a range of timescales.

Local Constraint Market

We are exploring the development of a new Local Constraint Market to access new sources of flexibility to help manage one of our most constrained boundaries.

System security services

Read about the techniques and services we use to help maintain the security and quality of electricity supply across Britain's transmission system.

Reactive power services

These services help us ensure voltage levels on the system stay within a specific range. We instruct generators or other asset owners to either absorb or generate reactive power.


Access trade information data, trading instruments and requirements for trading.

Electricity System Restoration Standard

A successful path to zero carbon necessitates changes to our existing Electricity System Restoration preparation arrangements. 

Network services procurement

Network services procurement projects aim to find solutions to the challenges of the electricity system with increasing renewable and low carbon generation.

Stability market

The Stability Markets allow NESO to secure operation of the network at lowest cost to consumers.

Future services

Future frequency response products

See how we're developing new, faster-acting frequency response products as part of a new suite of services.

Future of reserve services

We're exploring potential solutions to reform our reactive power services which will help to address the challenges we are facing for system voltage control.

Future of reactive power

We're exploring potential solutions to reform our reactive power services which will help to address the challenges we are facing for system voltage control.

Thermal Constraints Collaboration Project

The Constraints Collaboration Project allows NESO and industry to work together to find solutions for thermal constraints, which can be implemented and deliver results in the short term.

More about Balancing services


Everything you need to know about settlements, including how to change your details, raising a dispute and an explanation of charges and payments.

Balancing Mechanism Wider Access

Find out how we are widening access to the Balancing Mechanism, helping us to transform Britain's energy mix towards a zero carbon energy system.

Power Responsive

A stakeholder-led programme created to stimulate increased participation in flexible technologies such as Demand Side Response (DSR) and storage.

Mum and son at beach with dog

ENA general flexibility service terms

Our Balancing Services contracts incorporate certain clauses from the applicable version of the Energy Networks Association (ENA) common flexibility service terms and conditions document. The ENA publishes all flexibility services documents on their website:

Visit the ENA's flexibility services page

Download the flexibility services general terms and condition


Enabling technology

Single Markets Platform (SMP)

The Single Markets Platform provides access to NESO markets. Get our SMP user guide, access to video tutorials and details of our workshops.

Enduring Auction Capability (EAC)

The EAC platform will be used for order submission, running the algorithm to clear the auction, and send results back to providers. Find out more here.